Complexity Explorer Santa Few Institute

Browse over 700 Complex Systems Science Resources!

Complexity Explorer /
13 Nov 2018
Complex Systems

We just launched our new browse page - all of the amazing, high-quality resources on Complexity Explorer can now be searched according to topic, type, difficulty, and/or source. 

Here is a little bit about what each of these fields mean: 

Topic:  The Complexity Explorer Team decided these topics comprehensively represent Complex Systems Science and the content on Complexity Explorer.

Type:  These are the eight content types we have on Complexity Explorer.

Difficulty Levels: 

  • Level 1: Straightforward and easy-to-navigate descriptions requiring little to no mathematical calculations and are intended for an audience without an assumption of background. Articles, pop-sci books, educational videos, general blogs, course syllabi, etc. that take a short time commitment. 
  • Level 2: Slightly technical material requiring some basic mathematics that may include basic calculus and algebra for full understanding. "Entry" level science—which can be applied or theoretical—and should be understandable by those with undergraduate math and science courses. These should take at most an evening's work to fully understand.
  • Level 3: Methods or tools that build off of an assumed knowledge base. A wide range of competency covered and may include the use of nonlinear differential equations and matrix algebra to illustrate concepts. Typically defined as "advanced undergraduate to early graduate." Time commitment varies, but these require some expertise in a subject area to fully comprehend.
  • Level 4: Technically advanced or field-specific topics that usually require an extensive background in the subject field to comprehend fully, while those outside the field may not understand techniques or references. Graduate-level material that requires a professional level of expertise in understanding or applications. Also reserved for Masters and PhD-level program descirption pages.

Source: This helps you know what or what type of institution or party is responsible for the production of this resource.  For content we make in house - it is either Complexity Explorer or Santa Fe Institute.  For content that you can access online - link an online course from someone else this would be 'Online'. For resources that are not courses, but something like an informative webpage, or a blog, we call those 'Web Resources'. Lastly, we like to acknowledge our fellow Complexity Research Centers, so you will see these centers there too!

You will also notice that we have now color coded each content type!

We hope you enjoy this new utility and, as this is a brand new functionality for Complexity Explorer, please let us know any feedback about how you like it or how to improve it at

In the future we hope to make the curation and tagging of resources an interactive element  for users to participate in - so stay tuned!

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